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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Praseodymium – High-strength metal

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Praseodymium comes from the process of separating several elements from each other. In 841 Mosander pulled didymium from lanthana. In 1874 Per Teodor Cleve discovered that didymium was still two elements together. In 1879 Lecoq de Boisbaydran pulled samarium from didymium and found samarskite. Finally in 1885 Carl Auer von Welsbach was able to separate didymium into two elements one of which was praseodymium. When Praseodymium is mixed with magnesium [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Gallium – Bright metal

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Gallium is a silvery, easily liquefied metal with atomic number 31 in the periodic table and the abbreviation “Ga”. In its chemical properties it resembles the aluminum, as its production by-product it is earned. As it is in gallium arsenide light-emitting diodes application. For his name is, there are two explanations, the one on the country (Gaul) or the researcher Lequoque = (gallus) de Boisbaudran. In nature it occurs bound [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Diamond – Beautiful Approval

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Diamonds as an investment are not as popular as gold, but why is this? If one looks back to the Russian Revolution, one sees the diamond as an investment, demand was quite. The tsar daughters could after the Russian Revolution, could her hotel room in Paris only pay in diamonds. But as it is today? At present, almost no one has diamonds as an investment because they are simply too [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Tantalum – Important for electronics and medicine

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

A somewhat lesser known but nonetheless important raw material is Tantalum. It is used in large quantity for capacitors, as found in any modern electrical appliances. Find more use it as an additive to alloys for special applications and in medical technology. It is predominantly mined in Africa, Brazil and Australia. With increasing miniaturization in electronics (e.g. mp3 player, mobile phones) the demand for tantalum is also rising. These properties [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Tungsten – Comeback of a metal

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Wolfram belongs in the periodic table of the chemical elements of group 6, in the subgroup of the chromium group. It has the chemical abbreviation “W”. Tungsten is a glistening white heavy metal that has a high density. Although it was probably from the 16th century related substances, tungsten was discovered in 1783 by the Spanish brothers Elhuyar by reduction of tungsten trioxide. Tungsten is found in the earth’s crust, [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Sugar – The sweet plant

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Over millennia of time sugar cane was a luxury that only the wealthiest was reserved. In the mid-19th Century sugar get by the incipient industrial production affordable, the beet as a food of daily needs for large parts of the population. Now sugar could in the future be a valuable luxury good: Low inventory levels and poor sugar cane crops in the main exporting country, Brazil have led to the [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Hardwood – Natural Status Symbol

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

From ancient times to the present, precious woods are considered a status symbol of wealth and power. Expensive piece of furniture in roality and prince homes were often made of tropical hardwoods. Today it is possible to invest in tropical timber (eg. teak, bankirai). The investment is carried on a long term. When is paid depends on the duration of growth from the type of wood. Experts recommend the investment [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Gadolinium – A very attractive investment

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Gadolinium is an rare earth / element that was first discovered in the 1800s by Swiss chemist Jean Charles Galissard de Marignac. The element has a multitude of niche uses. The primary one and reasons for its investment value lie in its use in nuclear marine propulsion systems. Recent breakthroughs have lead to its application in mri machines, and cancer treatments. Further research in these areas makes gadolinium a very [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Lanthanum – Hidden heavy

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Lanthanum is a chemical element, the abbreviation “La” in the periodic table and is in the 6th Term and in the third Subgroup. It is a transition metal or a metal from the group of rare earths. The smallest element of this group is still in front of more frequently than gold or platinum. Lanthanum was discovered in 1839 by Carl Gustav Mosander. Lanthanum is like all the elements of [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Iridium – Rare as gold

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Iridium is an extremely rare precious metal from the platinum group of metals. It was discovered in 1803 in London, rather casually, in an experiment with osmium. Iridium is much more rare than gold or platinum present in the earth’s crust. Because iridium is very resistant to corrosion, it is used as an alloy, especially in the field of medicine and engineering. One gram of iridium is currently trading at [read more]