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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Terbium – Various rare earth

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

The discovery of the element terbium (Tb, atomic number 65) is still not definitively resolved. Carl Gustav Mosander is generally regarded as the discoverer of the early 1840s. Pure terbium could advent of ion exchange technology to be made first. In nature, terbium is only related cerit, monazite, and gadolinite euxenite front of me. The production design is expressed as the ornate referred Terbium companion have to be removed consuming. [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Steel – Tough material

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Steel is one of the most important materials and has already been processed in 1000 BC, in a simple form. Some time later, in the 12th Century AD have been developed in Europe. The first blast, which the smelting of iron ore was possible, however, had clean this iron such a high carbon content that it could not forge. These were carbon and various other substances present are burnt out. [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Bauxite – Raw material of aluminum

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Bauxite (name origins from the first locality Les Baux-de-Provence in France) is the most important aluminum ore to produce aluminum. It is mostly mined in open pits. Ideally, the degradation released humus-containing strata in terms of sustainable environmental development are first stored and then used for reclamation. Australia, China and Brazil are the most important producing countries. The current economically recoverable bauxite reserves should meet global demand and rising production [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Phosphorus – Irreplaceable Fertilizer

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Since the discovery of growth-enhancing properties of phosphates by Justus von Liebig in 1840 Phosphor is not only in the Fertilizer Industry more important. Even in many foods contain phosphorus, such as the phosphoric acid in cola. Meanwhile, phosphates important components in many mineral fertilizers, thus making their contribution to harvest gains in agriculture. Phosphorus could soon be rare and valuable, for it is only present in the Earth’s crust [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Tin – New investment darling

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

For thousands of years, silver and gold has been the hotbed of investments. But it’s their often forgotten and looked down upon brother tin, that is fast becoming the new investment darling. While it’s used in many different markets today, think food containers and for it’s resistance to corrosion. It’s electronics field that is the biggest user of tin just in solder alone. It’s the ago old supply and demand [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Corn – Competition for rice and wheat

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

For thousands of years maize is cultivated and has pushed aside once important cereals such as wheat and rice. As the corn plant is very resistant, they can thrive anywhere in the world. In many countries of corn is a staple food. Therefore, maize offers as a lucrative investment. The strong economic growth in China and India will increase the demand on corn. The increasing use of corn as an [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Rubber – Natural rubber

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Even the Mayans knew about this wonderful natural product and used the rubber for the manufacture of, among other things rubber balls for their ball games. But everyday items or clothes were produced of rubber. Some historical sources date the earliest usage of rubber even to 1500 BC. No matter which place in time now is historically correct, rubber has still not lost its fascination. Quite the contrary-as the basis [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Soybean – The allround bean

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

The first soybeans were probably cultivated in China about 5000 years ago, the first mention in the United States took place in the U.S. agricultural statistics in 1924. Today the USA is the largest producer and exporter of soybeans worldwide. The market share of soybeans in the oilseeds is about 55 percent and its economic value at about 50 billion USD. It takes place not only in the form of [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Crude Oil – Essential fuel for the industry

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Of any raw material, the global economy is so dependent on such as Crude Oil. It is used to generate electricity, as feedstock for the chemical industry and in refined form as a fuel for almost all vehicles and aircraft. Oil is so important, that are likely in future armed conflicts over its distribution are possibile. As an investment Crude Oil is of particular interest, since the stocks are finite [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Coal – Black Gold

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Coal is a brownish to black sedimentary rock, which owes its origin by carbonization of plant debris. It is a solid element, which consists mainly of carbon and present has many different uses. Thus, for example brown coal in the 18th Century used as a pigment. In the following century it was considered a commodity for the manufacture of town gas, additionally created during this process the by-product coke. In [read more]