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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Platinum – The all-round metal

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

The first european record shows that already experimented Italian, humanist scholar Julius Caesar Scaliger platinum. He described a white metal, which despite many attempts, was not melted. Nowadays it is no longer a problem to melt platinum. This sought-after raw material is used on extremely versatile way. The application areas range from jewelry, laboratory devices to about dental implants and catalysts. Therefore, platinum also provides a good basis for the [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Holmium – Key element in nuclear reactors

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Holmium is a rare earth metal that serves a dual purpose as being an excellent strategic metal. Holmium has incredible magnetic properties, allowing it to be used to create powerful static magnets and artificial magnetic fields. Holmium is also a key element used in nuclear reactors because of its ability to absorb nuclear neutrons and stabilize nuclear control rods. Holmium is also the key element used in solid-state lasers, common [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Zinc – Important rust protection for the industry

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Zinc is a base metal, which is used primarily for corrosion protection for metal parts. Main producers are China, Peru and Australia. Furthermore, it is used for alloys (brass) and low-cost injection-molded parts. Increasing the zinc requirement by the worldwide industrialization rising steadily for years and has developed in recent years almost tripled to 4.000 USD / ton. As worldwide produce more and more industrial plants, probably also increases the [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Rapeseed – Yellow oil substitute

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Earlier rapeseed was produced for food and lamp oil produce it. Originally in the Mediterranean, he learned through the Romans a strong spread to other regions. Today rapeseed is not only used for the extraction of simple cooking oil, but as always greet extent in propellant. This provides an ideal base for investment. For fossil energy sources are by their scarcity increasingly expensive, while the renewable substances on the steady [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Natural gas – Flexible power source

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Already 2000 years BC, there were the first discoveries of natural gas in Iran. Around 900 BC, natural gas was discovered in China and put to dry salt. Today, you just put a gas in gas turbine power plants as fuel for motor vehicles and to produce heat, electricity or heat supply. Investing in natural gas proves to be risky, because the price of natural gas is subject to very [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Litecoin – Just another bitcoin?

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

What is Litecoin? Litecoin is a peer to peer crypto currency open users software project created by Charles Lee, a former employee of Google. A crypto currency is medium of exchange wherein cryptography is employed to ensure the security of the transaction. Crypto currencies are exclusively digital, rather obviously, since you cannot encrypt hard cash, the process is, however, sometimes used for hard cash transactions for the same purpose. Litecoin [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Copper – Indispensable for the electrical industry

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Copper belongs without doubt to the most important metals industry. It takes place in almost any type of electrical installation, as it directs the current flow very well. Even in the heat and air conditioning is used because it also transports heat well. We distinguish different kinds of copper: OF-copper, copper-SE, ETP-copper, etc. The demand has increased over the last few years by the entry of China, and this has [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Soybean oil – Natural Fuel

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

The Chinese recognized very early the benefits of the soybean. Use of the soy plant was dated by archeologists in ancient China 4,000 years ago esteemed. Chinese housewives centuries soybeans processed into flour and soy oil gained from good. Soya oil is used not only in the industry for food but also for the production of biodiesel. The oil is more suitable for the production of biofuels than others corn [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Silver – Little brother of gold

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Silver (Ag abbr. of Latin argentum) is a chemical element and counts to the group of precious metals. It has the best electrical conductivity of all elements and the best thermal conductivity of all metals. Mid-19th Century was the economic benefits of silver back due to the development of stainless steel, but learned through the use of silver salts in photography again an increase in demand, which, however, has declined [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Stock market bubble – The Great Depression

06.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

A Stock market bubble is a concept in economics, first made famous with the collapse of the Mississippi Scheme and South Sea Bubble in France and England, respectively. As far as the more recent past, the Stock bubble of the 1920’s before the Great Depression, and the bubble of the 1990’s that came with the internet explosion, are the more famous examples. These bubbles occur when a stock rises above [read more]