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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Titanium – Metal of gods

05.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Titanium (Ti abbr, name of Greek origin god of the Titans) is a white and shiny metallic chemical element of the 4th Group (titanium group) of the periodic table. The titanium content in the upper crust is about 0.56 percent. Australia is the main producer, followed by South Africa. Pure titanium is very rare and due to the very complex production process, Titan is quite expensive. Titanium alloys are characterized [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Coltan – Rare commodity

05.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

The mineral coltan was very scarce, as in the 1990s was booming electronics industry. Since that time, there is a real struggle in the Congo to the mineral. Coltan is a rare mineral and is used for the production of modern electronics. The coltan ore is used in video cameras, computer chips, rocket, space shuttle and mobile phones. It is a mixture of columbite tantalite and. In the Kivu region [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Vanadium – American Rare Metal

05.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Vanadium (Vanadium also earlier, abbreviated V; derivation from Vanadis, a surname of Freya, the Teutonic goddess of love and marriage) is a steel-gray, bluish metal and belongs to the fifth Group (vanadium group) of the periodic table. It is for plants and animals, an essential trace element. Thus contains the human organism about 0.3 mg / kg of vanadium, as daily, approximately 12 mg of vanadium estimated. The vanadium content [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Drinking water – Liquid Gold

05.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Drinking water is the most important food. Because of the importance and of great value, it was decided that this can not be replaced. Drinking water is actually fresh water with such high purity that you can drink it easily. There are several ways to win drinking water. The oldest method is probably the extraction of drinking water by using wells. The shallow groundwater was obtained with single walled shaft [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Wheat – Important staple food

05.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Wheat is the staple diet of people already known since the Neolithic Age. Over the years, wheat grew to become one of the main food commodities. The main growing areas for wheat are the Midwest of the USA and Europe with Russia. In general, prices for wheat are relatively stable, but when it comes for example to strong crop failures extreme price fluctuations are possible. As always traded wheat, but [read more]

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Investment share option future trade ETF commodities stock online market Chart Realtime: Cadmium – Raw material of the solar industry

05.05.2021 Kelly Brown 0

Cadmium was discovered in 1817 by a native of Goettingen Medical Frederick Stromeyer. The metal was about 100 years promoted the most part only in Germany. Cadmium found are very rare, and the collection is extremly expensive. Cadmium is particularly sought after in the wake of the emerging solar industry increasingly stronger, especially in the mass production of solar cells. With the increasing production of solar cells it can be [read more]